December 23, 2013

Christmas Eve Eve

Merry Christmas Eve Eve!!!! I hope you all have a blessed & safe Christmas!! Here's the lyrics to my favorite Christmas song:

Tennessee Christmas

Come on weather man give us a forecast snowy white
Can't you hear the prayers of every childlike heart tonight
Rockies are callin', Denver snow fallin'
Somebody said it's four feet deep, but it doesn't matter
Give me the laughter, I'm gonna choose to keep

Another tender Tennessee Christmas, the only Christmas for me 
Where the love circles around us like the gifts around our tree
Well I know there's more snow up in Colorado than my roof will ever see
But a tender Tennessee Christmas is the only Christmas for me

Every now and then I get a wanderin' urge to see
Maybe California, maybe Tinsel Town's for me
There's a parade there, we'd have it made there
Bring home a tan for New Year's Eve
Sure sounds exciting, awfully inviting, still I think I'm gonna keep

Another tender Tennessee Christmas, the only Christmas for me
Where the love circles around us like the gifts around our tree
Well they say in L.A. it's a warm holiday, it's the only place to be
A tender Tennessee Christmas, is the only Christmas for me

Well I know there's more snow up in Colorado than my roof will ever see
But a tender Tennessee Christmas is the only Christmas for me
A tender Tennessee Christmas is the only Christmas for me

Great song!!! Although I don't live in TN, I have so many cherished memories there, and it has a very special place in my heart.

God bless you & yours!!
Lots of Love, 

December 18, 2013

Winter Style Inspiration

In the cold Winter months, I love to dress cozy and warm! Thanks to Pinterest, I've found some great Style ideas!! Follow me on Pinterest HERE !!!!

Gray sweater, white top, black leggings and brown boots


Mocha Aztec Long Sleeve Top, great site for clothes as well


What are your favorite outfits for the Winter??

In the Love of JESUS CHRIST,

December 8, 2013

HE > I

I have Anxiety issues. I worry too much. I think too much. I create problems in my head that don't actually exist. I can be a extremely shy/quiet person and shut others out, or I can be obnoxious and say things that should never escape my lips. I sometimes have a low-self esteem, and tend to try and bring others down with me. I fail to put JESUS first in my life. The list goes on and on.....

Look at all of the above sentences I just typed out... What do they all begin with?? I. That's just the point! I CAN'T do anything. I FAIL. I fail everyday.  But , Guess what??? JESUS CHRIST. These 2 words can change my whole outlook on life, and turn me around. Our God is so POWERFUL and Gracious, It leaves me in awe. It leaves me feeling at peace , because I know HE that has begun a good work in (ME) will finish it.... (Paraphrased-PHIL.1:6). I sometimes am tempted to feel sorry for myself because it seems I am all alone with no friends, but who needs any other Friend than JESUS. He's all We need!!

P.S. Thanks to everyone who's stuck around while I've taken a HUGE blogging break. I'm gonna try and post more often, but hey it's not I, but CHRIST who can make this blog a huge blessing!! 


September 7, 2013


Please take the time to listen to my new favorite song!! You'll be so glad you did!!

This song speaks to me so much! Ahhhh!! I love it! :)

We pray for blessings
We pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
All the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things

'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

We pray for wisdom
Your voice to hear
And we cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt Your goodness, we doubt Your love
As if every promise from Your Word is not enough
All the while, You hear each desperate plea
And long that we have faith to believe

'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You're near
And what if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

When friends betray us
When darkness seems to win
We know that pain reminds this heart
That this is not, this is not our home
It's not our home

'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
And what if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You're near
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the achings of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy
And what if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are Your mercies in disguise

Let's learn to accept the rain & dance in HIS mercy!


August 1, 2013


     I'll be the first to admit that my priorities are frequently in the wrong place. Most all the time, I fail to put God first in my day & in my life. This is not where I want to be! I desire to put HIM first, but I let life distract me, and I allow the things of this world to suck me in. These worldly things will fade away, but my relationship with Jesus will last forever.

LORD, I want to always put you first!

May 4, 2013

A True Friend

   How many "best" friends can a person have? I think only "1"!  Let me tell you about my Best Friend. His name is  Jesus Christ! Every other person will let you down. They will abandon you. They will hurt you. Jesus will never fail you! I've learned this the hard way. I've had friends who've come and gone, but Jesus has always been there. He's even there when I seem to be ignoring His presence. How many of us can say that we have a friend on earth that is as good of a friend as Jesus?  Sometimes I feel down in the dumps because I seem to have NO friends. But then I remember my Best Friend who has never left me.  My desire is to have such a close walk with Jesus that nothing else matches my friendship with Him. 



(Found on my PINTEREST )


April 14, 2013

Healthy Pinspiration

Do you follow me on Pinterest yet?? If not, click HERE to find my profile!! I am addicted to Pinterest. You can find so many great recipes, workouts, style ideas, quotes, etc! Today I'm going to share some different Health/Fitness quotes that have really helped on my Fitness Journey (more on that later) . 

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(Sources can be found on my Pinterest profile.)

What are some of your favorite Health/Fitness Quotes?


April 13, 2013


Hello Readers!!! If you're still here, Thanks for being patient and not unfollowing me!! I'm not going to make excuses as to why I haven't posted, but I'll just say two words: Life Happens. But, I'm back!! I'm ready to put a new perspective on this blog, and Lord -Willing, post faithfully!

While thinking about my absence , I began to think about the meaning of that word: ABSENT. According to the dictionary it means : "Not present, missing." or " Not existent, lacking." These are two things our God never is. He is NEVER missing or lacking. He is ALWAYS present, ready to hear the words of His precious children.  Just the thought of this brings me great comfort and joy! Our Father is so awesome!!! I'm so thankful for his grace and mercies, for they are new every morning: Great is THY faithfulness, O God my Father!

P.S. You can now follow me on Bloglovin  HERE!!!

January 25, 2013

Peach Muffins

The other day, I made these DELICIOUS Peach-Banana Muffins! I found the recipe @ Eat Live Run .!!!

WW Banana- Peach Muffins

1 1/4 cup whole wheat flour
3/4 cup old fashioned oats
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup maple syrup or honey
1/2 cup vegetable oil ( I used 1/2 cup applesauce instead)
3 bananas, mashed
1 lb yellow peaches, sliced 1/4″ thick ( I used frozen)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Whisk together the flour, oats, baking soda, salt and cinnamon in a large bowl. In another bowl, blend together the maple syrup, oil and mashed bananas.
Add wet ingredients to dry and gently fold in peaches. Stir only until combined!
Fill greased muffin tins 90% of the way full with batter. Bake for 25-30 minutes until golden. Serve warm.

If you make these, Let me know how they turned out!! :D 


January 9, 2013


Just one of the many great things about Pinterest!! What are some of your favorite quotes??? Check out my Quotes boards HERE and HERE !!!

Have a super blessed day!!! 
<3 Sarah

January 1, 2013


  It's here!!!! So, here's some resolutions I've been working on regardless....

1. Love GOD First - Do my personal worship EVERYDAY <- NO EXCUSES

2. EXERCISE DAILY <- also, NO EXCUSES ( unless I'm terribly sick or something ) :P

3. Savor my food/ Eat slowly.

4. Eat Healthier ( I try and eat healthy as it is, but there's ALWAYS room for improvement)




8. NEVER  Procrastinate

As a part of my #4, I've joined Real Food Runner's 7 day- Green Smoothie Challenge. Everyday for at least 7 days, I'm going to drink at least 1 green smoothie. Check it out in detail HERE.. Also, check out her awesome GIVEAWAY..

Don't give up on those resolutions!!! Keep going!! Let me know what your resolutions are!! :D

<3 Sarah